At Ch&Be, we make sure that all our customers are completely satisfied with their purchases and the service provided to them through us. If you are not satisfied with the product for any reason, we offer an easy return and exchange policy.


To submit a return/exchange request, please fill out the electronic statement at the bottom of the page.

  • To accept a return/exchange request, the request must be submitted within 30 days from the date of receipt of the product.
  • No applications will be accepted if submitted after the mentioned period.
  • The product must be in its original condition, accompanied by the original box and invoice.
  • Products that are damaged or missing one of their accessories are not eligible for a refund and cannot be exchanged for another one.
  • Customers are allowed to make one return or exchange for each online purchase through our website.
  • Items purchased and used within the first 30 days from the date of purchase are eligible for exchange. As long as the customer reports no defects to our customer service agents.
  • There is a warranty against manufacturing defects only, valid for two years from the date of receipt.


Basic conditions and requirements when exchanging or returning any product:

  • You must have the original purchase invoice and not a copy of it; otherwise, the amount paid will not be refunded.
  • The product must be as it was received, with no changes.
  • The damage found in the product must not be the result of negligence or misuse.
  • The product must not have any breakage or scratches.
  • All accessories for the product must be present and intact inside the box, including any offers, gifts, purchase vouchers, coupons, or the like that were attached to it.


If you are not satisfied with the product that you purchased from our website, you can exchange the product.

If the return or exchange request results from an error on our part in your order, the type of product or specifications, or a defect in the product, the full amount paid will be transferred to you, and the amount paid will be refunded. The amount will be transferred to you as soon as possible, with a maximum period of 10–15 working days from the date of receiving the product. This is after examining it and ensuring its condition.


How to return a product:

  • First, contact a customer service representative or send a message on one of our social media channels and make a return request.
  • Second: Our specialized team will contact you, find out the details, inform you of the conditions under which you can refund the amount paid or replace the product, and inform you of how to do that if the conditions are met.


You can recover the paid value in the same way you paid, as follows:

  • If you paid via your Visa, the paid value will be sent back to your bank account within a maximum period of 10–15 working days, calculated from the date the product arrives at us.
  • If you pay via Vodafone Cash, the paid value will be sent to you on your Vodafone Cash phone number within 10–15 working days, calculated from the date the product arrives at us.
  • If you pay in cash upon receipt, you must send us your bank account number so that we can transfer it to your account. This will take place within a maximum period of 10–15 working days, calculated from the date the product arrives at our warehouse.


Thank you for choosing Ch&Be. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to provide you with a smooth shopping experience. Therefore, please review our terms and conditions for exchange and return, as they contain information that is important to you.

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